Andruchi or Pivot

Although most of us assume that the outcomes on the Roulette wheel are random, in reality it is not completely true. Whether you are play in a real life casino or in an online one, the numbers which appear on the Roulette wheel are not random, although most people assume that it has a 1/38 chance of appearing. In reality the numbers do not appear after 38 spins or so. The process is even more disorganized when you bet in the random number generator (RNG) mode in an online casino.

The sequence might appear a bit more even, if played in millions; however, people playing in any online casino do not have the patience or the time to play millions of times. Online players usually play for shorter periods of time and therefore they may use the pivot system to enhance their edge in the game.

"Pivot" system recognizes the shortcomings of other forms of tactics and strives to remedy those. For instance, it has recognized that after 36 spins, eventually 24 real numbers will appear excluding single and double zeros. Application of this system requires the players to keep a record of the numbers that appear. Players in a normal brick & mortar casino might do so with the help of a pen or pencil as well as a pad.

Conversely, if you play in an online casino you might be spared from this hassle as you can see a complete record of your game next to the screen. It is an automated process and does not require any extra work on the player's part. You only have to record which numbers appear twice on the sequence. The first number that appears is called a "pivot" number.

How "Pivot" System Works?

This system is better suited to the brick & mortar casino, as it allows the player to stand nearby and observe the outcomes of the game before playing. As opposed to an online casino; were the player must play the game before they can record the outcomes. Whenever you play in an online casino make sure that you make even bets and minimize your loses.

Once you know your pivot number, you must play for 36 spins and continue until, you win the game or you lose. If you employ this strategy then you will either hit that number or make a profit or at least make an even outcome. As the winning cash subsequently increases, so you will increase your profits if your pivot number appears earlier than later on.